Contact Information
West 4th Ave. & Arbutus, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 1N3
Service Profile
Ambient Media Services & Company's Key Activity(s)
Media Distribution Services
Distribution Service Product Category (DSPC)
Display Advertising — Posters, Banners, Billboards in private and public places
Managed Distribution — Distribution and refills of flyers/coasters etc. including wild distribution (delivering flyers, beer coasters, postcards in bulk to a location, either without fixture on the counter or in a fixture)
Hand-to-Hand — Delivering for 1-hour flyers, leaflets, magazines in 5 public spots of a city or a venue (exhibition-conference)
Letterbox/Mailbox Distribution
Transport / Mobility — Transit and Motion Targets
Guerrilla Marketing (BTL) — Publicity stunts, guerrilla marketing activities and other ad-hoc distribution
Distribution Services Product Types (DSPT)
Display Advertising Service Product Types
Free Placement Indoor, Free Placement Outdoor
Coverage Areas - Distribution Service
About Company
With over 10 years of experience in the industry and hundreds of clients, VanCity Postering is a modern and fresh approach to the centuries-old practice of poster and street marketing. They provide printing, planning and distribution packages that target the audience needed for your campaign. They provide services to every street pole, coffee shop, campus and everywhere in between.