Outdoor Postering

Contact Information
Service Profile
Ambient Media Services & Company's Key Activity(s)

Media Distribution Services
Distribution Service Product Category (DSPC)
Display Advertising — Posters, Banners, Billboards in private and public places
Managed Distribution — Distribution and refills of flyers/coasters etc. including wild distribution (delivering flyers, beer coasters, postcards in bulk to a location, either without fixture on the counter or in a fixture)
Hand-to-Hand — Delivering for 1-hour flyers, leaflets, magazines in 5 public spots of a city or a venue (exhibition-conference)
Letterbox/Mailbox Distribution
Transport / Mobility — Transit and Motion Targets
Guerrilla Marketing (BTL) — Publicity stunts, guerrilla marketing activities and other ad-hoc distribution
Distribution Services Product Types (DSPT)
Display Advertising Service Product Types
Fixed Target Posters Outdoor, Free Placement Outdoor
Paper Size Standards (International)
American (ANSI)
American (ANSI)
ANSI B (279 × 432), ANSI D (559 × 864)
Coverage Areas - Distribution Service
Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria
About Company

Postering is a cost-effective staple guerrilla media product. The perfect way to reach consumers on the go and to take your message to the streets.
Postering can work for you! Companies of all sizes can benefit from a well-executed campaign. As your one-stop-shop we can have your posters up in any market across Canada.

Our Services:
Poster Sniping: 11″ x 17″ posters placed on street poles, construction boards, and poster kiosks
Postering: 24″ x 36″ posters placed on construction hoardings
Campus Postering: 11″ x 17″ posters placed around campuses across Canada.
High School Postering: 11′ x 17″ placed around schools and local hangouts (Toronto)
Printing: We provide complete poster printing and shipping services