Contact Information
19 Pušyno gatvė, Karmėlava, Kauno apskritis 54447
Opening Hours
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Service Profile
Ambient Media Services & Company's Key Activity(s)
Agency, Distribution Services Provider
Media Distribution Services
Distribution Service Product Category (DSPC)
Display Advertising — Posters, Banners, Billboards in private and public places
Managed Distribution — Distribution and refills of flyers/coasters etc. including wild distribution (delivering flyers, beer coasters, postcards in bulk to a location, either without fixture on the counter or in a fixture)
Hand-to-Hand — Delivering for 1-hour flyers, leaflets, magazines in 5 public spots of a city or a venue (exhibition-conference)
Letterbox/Mailbox Distribution
Transport / Mobility — Transit and Motion Targets
Guerrilla Marketing (BTL) — Publicity stunts, guerrilla marketing activities and other ad-hoc distribution
About Company
Joint-stock company “Lazertechas”, proceeding from the year 2000, provides customized and serial production services both for Lithuanian and abroad clients. Qualified designers, production managers with technical education and production realization professionals work in the company.
Recently, after an evident update of the technical base, the company is making efforts to become a leader in the fields of cutting, print-making, and thermal bending. Professionals of “Lazertechas” not only provide services for promotional, trading and other equipment producers but also they themselves are engineering, creating various products, unique design furniture pieces, expositional equipment.
Year Established
Business Registration Number