Gaba Design Print Distribution Canberra

Contact Information
Service Profile
Ambient Media Services & Company's Key Activity(s)

Media Distribution Services
Distribution Service Product Category (DSPC)
Display Advertising — Posters, Banners, Billboards in private and public places
Managed Distribution — Distribution and refills of flyers/coasters etc. including wild distribution (delivering flyers, beer coasters, postcards in bulk to a location, either without fixture on the counter or in a fixture)
Hand-to-Hand — Delivering for 1-hour flyers, leaflets, magazines in 5 public spots of a city or a venue (exhibition-conference)
Letterbox/Mailbox Distribution
Transport / Mobility — Transit and Motion Targets
Guerrilla Marketing (BTL) — Publicity stunts, guerrilla marketing activities and other ad-hoc distribution
Distribution Services Product Types (DSPT)
Managed Distribution Service Product Types
Flyers, Postcards, Leaflets
About Company

They are always flexible and dynamic in whatever service they provide. As a client, you do not require to book for their service much in advance in order to get the job done within the specified timeline.

Business Registration Number
64 143 580 269